Frog Thoughts

The World According to Kero

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I totally hate clients, sometimes....

Arrgh... as if running around Court  for Trial wasn't bad enough on Tuesday, I get a 4:30 p.m. email from a client contact as I'm sitting in a coffee shop resting my heels and finishing up my work on my laptop.   When they say there's "no rest for the weary," this is what they mean....

The email says: "Can you finish a client report for my by this afternoon?"  Hahaha, Lady, it's 30 minutes until the end of the day and you want me to what now?  I'm nowhere near the file or my desk.  To respond politely, I offer to help her tomorrow.  Her immediate email response was, "Can you get it to me by 9:00 a.m.?"  Let's see... running around Court on Monday.  Running around Court on Tuesday.  Wednesday is the one day this week I can rest and sleep in and she ruins it.

Mind you, I actually like this person...usually.  She used to be a supervisor and then got demoted and I've actually worked with her since my noob days as a new hire at my firm.  Usually, she gives me the authority I need to get things done.  I understand how this case is important, how the client might ream us both for asking for a 7-figure settlement, but still.... we were BOTH at that meeting with her assistant VP.  I did my report last Friday, that was my deadline.  She was supposed to do hers by today....  I know she's busy, but like, I'm not busy??  Good GOD woman, this is not my only client!  I've got sh*tloads of cr*p waiting for me on my desk that I hadn't gotten to because...well, see the first paragraph.

I mean, I like you, Lady, but not that much.

Drag my @ss out of bed this morning at the butt-crack of dawn and turn it in just before 10 a.m.  This client, is a multi-bajillion dollar client, and mostly my bread and butter, so I cannot say no.  But recently, they've been pressuring the attorneys to close their damn files to save more money and my gut reaction is, "Stop getting sued, @ssh*les!  That's how you can save $$!"  One day, this client will pull out because they are lame like that, which is why I can't keep all my eggs in one basket.

So while I am busting my @ss to get this report done, another client contact (same client) emails me and thinks she's neck-deep in dung because she wasn't paying something she thinks she should have paid and didn't want the Court to impose penalties and interest and she'd get reamed by her supervisor.  She sends me a long list of panicked emails telling me to fix it.  I am feeling like a babysitter at this point.  She panics even more when I tell her what she did may not be legal.  Then she calls me to confirm it.  Really?

Lady, I interpret the laws for you, I don't write them!!  Don't argue with me that you think the law is stupid.  Write hate mail to the judges who decided that case!  Now, I'm supposed to dig you out because you were being cheap and stiffed other people of their money?  Am I a miracle worker?  

So at this point, it's 2:00 p.m. and I haven't even had lunch yet.  And these two wenches keep emailing me.  My next responses are "read my last letter" and "I'll finish this tomorrow."  Then the email goes on automatic response saying I'm away from my desk and have limited access to phone and emails -- which is my version of the middle-finger to my clients.  I'm out by 3:00p.m. because there is a leaky pipe somewhere in my wall and I was supposed to meet the plumber at noon.

I hate my clients, sometimes....


  • At 1:29 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    You stopped blogging... Why? It was an interesting read. Think all office workers share the same frustrations as u albeit with slightly different circumstances. :)


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